I just cut off the tops and bottoms, wash, and place, tops up, in a deep pot (2 pots for this many) with water filled to half way up the artichokes. Season with garlic, salt and pepper on the tops, drizzle a little olive oil on top of that to help the seasonings sink down into the globe. Boil till tender, check by poking down the middle with a cooking fork.

We like to dip our leaves tips in mayonnaise. My husband likes tarter. I've heard others like melted butter. Enjoy!

Ha! We just saw a sign for them on sale down here, and I was thinking "How does grandma do it? I know there's a pot, water, garlic, but how much?" Thank you!
Hi, Nichole. If I use diced garlic, I pile about 1/2 teaspoon on top. If I only have garlic powder, maybe a little less than 1/8 teaspoon.
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